Hi all,
I did a short video about breathing that you might like. I can’t figure out how to get the video thumbnail into the blog excerpt, so please click on the post title to go to the full post and see the video.
Hi all,
I did a short video about breathing that you might like. I can’t figure out how to get the video thumbnail into the blog excerpt, so please click on the post title to go to the full post and see the video.
I did a chat today with Carol and some friends to help someone who is a targeted individual. Briefly, this means they are subjected to an unprecedented level of electronic harassment, including beaming, voices in their head, gangstalking and the like. I have been a target of this kind of harassment to a much lesser degree, but I do have some idea of what it feels like. The targeted individual gets isolated, because everyone around them thinks they are crazy and that it’s all in their head. They suffer extreme physical discomfort from the effects of electronic beaming. They are psychologically tortured by stalkers. The goal of the ones harassing these people is to get them feeling hopeless, helpless and ready to give up and die.
Why does this happen? Carol and I believe it happens because The Powers That Were (TPTW) have looked into this person’s future timeline and can see that they either have a very powerful psychic gift, and/or are going to make a lot of trouble for TPTW. Stevo and I experienced electronic harassment before we ever met Don and Carol in person, or had ever heard of orgonite. TPTW knew we were going to become involved in the grassroots orgonite movement and use our psychic gifts to help people wake up. If you select the Stories category on this blog you can read about some of the things that happened.
So how do you help a targeted individual? It’s really hard to do because usually they have lost all faith that anything can help. They are tired of fighting, and I understand that. I have been in that helpless place, watching Stevo get beamed so hard that he felt like his head would explode, or watching my dogs shake and vomit because they are being beamed, or feeling so weak and confused that I couldn’t breathe or boost or help myself at all. We developed some techniques to deal with it, which included boosting and using sounds such as Ultra-high C, singing bowl and the square wave sounds that I’ve put on this site for download.
But those techniques only get you so far. What we’ve come to realize it that we have to use what we have within us. We’ve come to realize that we are very, very powerful creative beings, and TPTW are terrified of us. Let that sink in for a minute….
Everything in our culture, our religions, our schooling, etc tells us that we are less, that we are really just animals with a bigger brain, that we are by nature violent, aggressive and selfish. I don’t believe that, and I have never believed that. We are incredible, creative, powerful beings who are the wonder of the universe.
So how do we use our power, especially if we are a targeted individual? Here are the steps I would suggest:
Well, this has turned into a long post but I felt it was important to get these thoughts out there. I hope it helps. I hope more people can focus on their heart center, stoke that heart fire with breathing and create their own paradise right here on Earth. We are beautiful, powerful beings. We are Love, we are stars and we are universes. I’m so glad we are here together.
~ Dooney
Stevo had read me a blurb a few weeks ago about the chemtrail program being shut down. Not knowing if it was real info or disinfo, I’ve been watching the skies (which I do anyway). I have to say that I haven’t seen a chemtrail since he brought that up, which is very unusual for us. I was wondering what you all have noticed. Our skies have been beautiful and we are getting normal rains, not too much and not too little.
~ Dooney
UPDATE 4-19-18: Lots of comments on this post and everyone is still seeing chemtrails, so this was disinfo. It’s good for us to check in with each other, so thanks for the comments! Still no chemtrails here that I’ve seen…
2nd UPDATE 4-19-18: Ha! They started spraying over us right after I posted the first update…wankers!
Stevo and I have recently re-discovered ear candling, which I think has been around for a very long time. It’s not uncommon to learn techniques like this and in the busy way life gets you forget to use some of the tools in your arsenal. But then, just when you need it, the tool presents itself again. It’s easy to learn the technique and Carol just found a great book about it while she was in Tucson. It’s called “Candling for Optimal Health” by Jili Hamilton.
Stevo has found that the candling seems to be pulling toxins from all over his body. In the book, she explains that the candling activates the lymph system, which is the waste removal system of the body. So it makes sense to me that using the candles can do that kind of action all over the body. I think the physical detox also stimulates a spiritual detox, especially if you do the Emotional Stress Release technique at the same time. And, you have to breathe deeply the whole time. Lying there with the candle in your ear is a great time to breathe and release stress as you can’t do anything else while you’re candling. Well, I suppose you could watch a movie or listen to music, but I think you get more out of the process if you have some quiet time and do some emotional release.
The other really important thing here is to use natural beeswax candles, not paraffin candles. Paraffin is a petrochemical product and will only introduce more toxins into your body. “De-toxing” has kind of become a meme lately, but it’s really an important step in your spiritual evolution, I believe. Try it and see what you think!
~ Dooney
There is a great Applied Kinesiology technique that Stevo teaches his patients which is also a great tool for moving forward spiritually. It’s called the Emotional Stress Release technique. It’s very effective for stopping obsessive thoughts, such as food cravings, anxieties and fears. We’ve been using it for getting over old hurts, resentments, bad experiences, and anything else that keeps us from growing spiritually. I think what you have to strive for is neutrality. Everything I’ve learned about from the higher realms is about becoming more neutral. Neutral doesn’t mean that you don’t care. It means that you detach from the drama of an ego-based life. It means you have a clear channel to your Higher Self and your etheric guides.
So here’s the technique: Place two fingers gently on the skin just above your eyebrows and press gently upward. This activates the emotional neurovascular reflex, which helps relax your diaphragm (so you can breathe) and your 3rd chakra (so you can release fear/anxiety). As you press these spots, breathe deeply and think about the thing that is worrying you, whether it’s a memory from your childhood, something nasty that was said to you, fears about the future, and so forth. Don’t try to repress any thoughts. After a few minutes you will find that your mind is wandering from the thing you were thinking about and worried about. Bring your mind back to the original thought and keep pressing until your mind wanders again. Very soon you will find that it’s difficult to keep your mind on the original thought at all. Keep breathing deeply throughout this process!
After doing this for several minutes (or more), go back to the original obsessive thought and see if it still has an emotional charge for you. If so, do the process again, remembering to breathe deeply. Once you can go back and think about the issue and not have the emotional charge, you are done for the time being. The same issue may come up in the future, but chances are good that it won’t have the same emotional charge on it.
Stevo and I have both been doing a lot of this in conjunction with our other spiritual work, and I think it’s a really valuable tool in dealing with all the emotional factors that keep us bogged down in the drama of life. It can help remove the barriers to getting the information you need from your Higher Self and moving forward with your spiritual growth.
~ Dooney
You may have heard that the full moon on Jan. 31 is a special moon, and here’s a good article explaining why: https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/super-blood-blue-moon/
It’s fun to do full moon rituals and it doesn’t require any special props or preparation. I’m not big on rituals but since I’m a Cancer the moon has a special place in my life. I usually don’t sleep much during a full moon and I definitely feel the energetic changes as the moon goes through it’s monthly phases.
I was asking Carol about her full moon ritual, and she said you can really just take any ritual you find on the web or in a book and make it your own. The important components in her ritual are 1) to call in the guardians of the four directions (asking for their blessing and thanking them), 2) saying what you are thankful for and 3) saying what you would like to manifest. End your statements with “so be it, so it is.” You can do the ritual around a candle or a fire. We’ve done it around a fire in our backyard, which is fun.
Things are changing so fast on the planet and the energy is ramping up so much that I think it’s important to pay attention to things like this special full moon/lunar eclipse. With all the truths that are now being revealed about the darkness that has ruled the planet, it’s a good time to connect with the Divine Feminine energy of the moon and be a beacon of light for others who will have a hard time hearing what is being revealed. It’s our time to shine!
~ Dooney
With all that is going on in the world and all the “news” both off and on the internet, it’s hard to know what is really happening out there. All I know for sure is that things are changing, and a LOT is being revealed. I’ve always thought that our job, those of us who are awake, is to help other people get through this time. All the truths that are being revealed now are things that Stevo, Carol and I, and others we talk to, have been aware of for more than a decade. Now it’s time for the rest of the world to find out about this stuff, and frankly, some folks are starting to go crazy. It’s a lot to handle, especially the pedophile stuff.
Here’s a good article about how you can help others: https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2017/11/16/storm-before-the-calm/
Here are a few really relevant paragraphs from that article:
When the tipping point finally hits, and the dominoes of truth start rippling into the consensus reality, our greatest service will be to maintain a grounded, compassionate, and balanced presence in order to minimize chaos.
This could mean choosing not to rev people up with more information than they can process, not to force-feed them our take on the truth, not succumbing to saying “I told you so,” and not falling into old patterns of dissecting who’s at fault and who needs to pay.
Digesting radical change is not unlike digesting food: it needs to be done one well-chewed bite at a time. Yet this may not be possible once the avalanche of truth (and disinformation) hits the masses. It is important for us to understand the value of holding a balanced, loving vibration as the ultimate transformer of discord and distortion.
This isn’t about shying away from or denying the truth but, instead, having the courage to digest the truth without being poisoned by it. We may be called to act as grounding rods or pressure cooker valves to diffuse other peoples’ unbalanced energy or we may need “to put on our own oxygen mask” and rebalance before we attempt to help anyone else.
This highlights perfectly why I always emphasize the basics of grounding and boosting. When people lose their minds over the secrets that are coming out, someone needs to let them know that everything is okay. You can be a big help to others if you have your energy under control and can be in your heart. Your ability to discern truth with your heart has never been more important.
~ Dooney
Stevo brought my attention to a really good article on humansarefree.com, which is a website that offers articles from a lot of other blogsites. It’s kind of a commercial site, so just disregard all the ads and celebrity stories. I think there’s some really good information there if you are willing to wade through the chaff. The title of the article is “Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness”. It goes into Quantum Physics and the double-slit experiment, which has fascinated me since I was in my 20’s. Do we really create our physical reality? I believe we do. This is a very articulate view of what comprises reality. The author, Brandon West, proposes that our physical bodies and our physical reality are constantly shifting between two states – being a particle (form) and being a wave (energy).
Here’s a mind-blowing premise:
And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form, and the pure energy state of the field, our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence [emphasis added by Dooney] informs the field what to reappear as when it makes its transition back to form at the quantum level.
Therefore each time we oscillate into formlessness, we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment, and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling.
It reminds me of a story Stevo told me about a teacher he had in high school who posited the question of whether your waking life or your dream life was reality. What if everything you perceive when you are “awake” is a dream? And what if everything you “dream” is reality? This is the kind of thing we love to sit and talk about!
So I’ve been working on trying to perceive that shift of reality 1044 times per second. It gives my left brain an explanation of how “reality” is formed, so that I can let go of that question and focus on manifesting my reality with my heart. I tend to be very analytical, so this article has really helped me turn off that part while I’m working on manifesting. I’m realizing again how hard it is to overcome beliefs that are taught to us at a very young age and reinforced throughout our lives.
I hope you enjoy reading about this as much as I have.
~ Dooney
About two hours after my last post about the forest fire on Wednesday the 13th, it started to rain. The rain clouds parked over our area for two days with a light drizzle. Snow appeared on the mountain tops. In all the years we have been here, we have NEVER had snow on the mountains in September. The temps went from near 80 degrees to mid-forties within a couple of hours. We are now experiencing what I would call normal fall weather for this area. Needless to say, we are very relieved. Those are clouds in the picture at right, with only a little smoke coming from fire spots that are still active.
It really felt like the beaming just turned off, like flipping a light switch. Instead of evaporating, the rain clouds parked over us. The temps fell by 40 degrees. I don’t know if this is what finally did it, but Stevo was given a power word to say for Rain, which he did on Monday. The forecasted rain then happened, instead of drying up like it has for the past two months. On Thursday, we were exhausted. I think because we were able to stand down on the energy work and we didn’t have to deal with all the angst of all the people who were worried about this fire, our bodies finally took a much-needed day off.
It was really interesting that even after the rain started and it was obvious that the weather had changed seasons, the forest service continued to try and pump up the angst, saying that the rain wouldn’t be enough, blah, blah, blah, there’s still significant fire danger, blah, blah, blah. This is while we had clouds clinging to the mountains directly on top of the fire! They wouldn’t lift our evacuation warning until TODAY.
We now have normal clouds and blue sky with super clear air. Yay!
~ Dooney
This is the forest fire that is marching over the hills towards our house. I can’t tell you how much energy work we have done on this fire. We’ve been able to slow it down but it keeps coming and at times it’s hard not to panic. Carol is currently pointing the super CBs, that we made last weekend, at the fire. There has been a ton of smoke over her area from all the fires around Spokane but she said the air has been clear and pure about 10 miles out around her house. We actually got a blue hole over her house before we even finished pouring those CBs. You’ll be hearing more about those in the near future.
Stevo and I are both sure that there is heavy-duty beaming weaponry being used to advance this fire, apart from rather obvious human operators on the ground who are lighting fires, both overtly and covertly. For one, the rain clouds that have formed in past few weeks just evaporate when they get close to our mountains. Secondly, we are having summer temps in September. I’ve lived here more than 18 years and we’ve never had weird temps like this. It was over 70 degrees last night at 11:30. Usually by now we are getting frost in the mornings. So something really unusual it happening and I don’t think it’s natural. Some days, we’ll walk outside when the thermometer says 80 degrees, and it feels like it’s almost 100 degrees. It feels like being in a microwave oven, Stevo says. That, combined with the HAARPy clouds we’re seeing again is another thing that convinces us this is weaponized weather. So, like I said in my last post we’re pretty much going it alone here except for the very welcome boosting of friends and readers. Another big THANK YOU to those folks!
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the blue hole phenomenon, here’s a pic of one that was over our house last Saturday when I got home from my trip to Carol’s. This is one of the more dramatic ones I’ve ever seen.
It looks fake, right? So I know that Stevo and I are doing the right things, we just have to stick with it long enough and have faith that we are doing the right thing and not give in to panic. It sounds like a war zone here with all the helicopters going back and forth to the fire with water buckets, or accelerant, who knows? We’ve seen dark black smoke on occasion, which means that some kind of petrochemical is burning, such as gasoline or, more likely, diesel. When trees are burning it’s white smoke.
I took a break after starting this post and went downtown for a little while. As I drove away, I saw all this HAARP, which wasn’t there an hour before. Again, this is really unusual for us. About an hour later I came back, and the sky is full of rainclouds. We are forecast to have rain for a while starting tomorrow, along with normal fall temps. So maybe we have outlasted the wankers and will finally get back to a normal weather pattern. With all the fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes lately, it seems like they just wanted to destroy everything. Well, they don’t get their wish! Don’t give up folks…we can do this!
~ Dooney