Emotional Stress Release – letting go

There is a great Applied Kinesiology technique that Stevo teaches his patients which is also a great tool for moving forward spiritually. It’s called the Emotional Stress Release technique. It’s very effective for stopping obsessive thoughts, such as food cravings, anxieties and fears. We’ve been using it for getting over old hurts, resentments, bad experiences, and anything else that keeps us from growing spiritually. I think what you have to strive for is neutrality. Everything I’ve learned about from the higher realms is about becoming more neutral. Neutral doesn’t mean that you don’t care. It means that you detach from the drama of an ego-based life. It means you have a clear channel to your Higher Self and your etheric guides.

So here’s the technique:  Place two fingers gently on the skin just above your eyebrows and press gently upward. This activates the emotional neurovascular reflex, which helps relax your diaphragm (so you can breathe) and your 3rd chakra (so you can release fear/anxiety). As you press these spots, breathe deeply and think about the thing that is worrying you, whether it’s a memory from your childhood, something nasty that was said to you, fears about the future, and so forth. Don’t try to repress any thoughts. After a few minutes you will find that your mind is wandering from the thing you were thinking about and worried about. Bring your mind back to the original thought and keep pressing until your mind wanders again. Very soon you will find that it’s difficult to keep your mind on the original thought at all. Keep breathing deeply throughout this process!

After doing this for several minutes (or more), go back to the original obsessive thought and see if it still has an emotional charge for you. If so, do the process again, remembering to breathe deeply. Once you can go back and think about the issue and not have the emotional charge, you are done for the time being. The same issue may come up in the future, but chances are good that it won’t have the same emotional charge on it.

Stevo and I have both been doing a lot of this in conjunction with our other spiritual work, and I think it’s a really valuable tool in dealing with all the emotional factors that keep us bogged down in the drama of life. It can help remove the barriers to getting the information you need from your Higher Self and moving forward with your spiritual growth.

~ Dooney


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2 Responses to Emotional Stress Release – letting go

  1. Timothy Vaher says:

    Thank you for a group of good people and your members blog paying tribute to the Crofts. Research discovery guided by Truth. Healing by communicating through a healthy network. God Blesses this effort.
    – Watchmen

  2. lynn guier says:

    thanks so much. love your articles!